
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Mythulinity Will Return By June 5th

Until then, a little centaur animation.

Please follow this link: Chase

Friday, May 14, 2010

On To Word Press

I've started a little blog on Word Press called appropriately, Superversity.

The blog will be devoted to Superheroes, Men and Muscle.

 The manimal aspect will stay here at Mythulinity and this blog will become quite circumspect and abbreviated. The glory days of huge posts have passed until I can purchase more image file storage space from Google in early June.

Still, even when Mythulinity is back up and running, it will be considerably constrained from my previous output. Since there is relatively little quality manimal material available, that fact will force me to reduce the scope of the blog. Yet, I still want to remain true to the original concept and deal primarily with manimals and not go off theme to pad the blog so much. 

Establishing 'Word Press: Superversity' provides me with the means to focus on my other loves of superheroes and the male form. What had been happening in those regards on Mythulinity will now happen there instead.

So please come on over to Superversity---a combination of super from superhero and "versity" from university funnily enough creates an entirely apropos new term.

And when I upgrade Mythulinity come June, I'll let you know. 

Thursday, May 13, 2010

You Live, You Learn

I did some reading--knowledge can be a dangerous thing--and have discovered that I have reached my 1GB free image file storage limit on this blog. To post more images I will have to wait until next month to purchase more gigs of storage from Google.

So, I did a little research and found that Word Press also offers a free blog service, but with one major difference: they offer 3GB image file storage before charging. Had I known that I'd have gone there first. Well . . ya live, ya learn.

I'm not much into managing multiple blogs. Something I could do through Google with the same result that, at 1GB, I would have to buy more storage.

I can sit the rest of this month out or I can go over to Word Press and start a second blog. What I should probably do is start hosting a blog devoted entirely to superheros, muscle, and eye candy and leave Mythulinity to manimals alone. Regardless, I can't do anything with Mythulinity until after June 3rd.

I'm sorry this happened. But it could be all for the better. 

Rather than this being Anything Goes Day, it is now--Nothing Goes!

I'll post news of my intentions as soon as I've confirmed them. Thanks for reading and contributing!

Limits, we have limits!

I have found out that I have reached my site quota for files uploaded. Shows you how much I know about blogs. I had no idea there was a quota.

So, I went back and deleted a bunch of files from three of my posts today. Fortunately, the links provided give you access to the now missing images.

From now on I'll just have to be more restrained with my image-posting zealotry. Less will have to be better.

I don't know how much this quota will effect future posts. We'll all find out, I suppose. I may need to go back and delete some previous posts altogether. Sorry . . .

Superhero Dept: The Awesome Art of Andy Smith-Part 1

Andy Smith produces so many high quality drawings of superheroes it is like stumbling into Hardbody Heaven.  Were all men only so gorgeously confirmed.

I'll be splitting this post into two parts because there are just too darn many pieces I want y'all to see.  Enjoy!

First, a huge collection of terrific pencil work for comics:

Above, a tribute to Frank Frazetta.

Male Art Dept.: A Memorial Tribute To Frank Frazetta, Master Illustrator

One of the finest fantasy illustrators of the 20th Century left this plane on Monday. Frank Frazetta (1928-2010) was justifiably renown as an illustrator of dramatic and beautiful works that adorned book covers and graced the pages of now classic works featuring Tarzan and Conan The Barbarian, among many others.

You can draw a line directly from Frazetta's work to most of the important illustration that was to come from the mid-to-late 1900's. It is particularly easy to see his influence in the work of artists like Boris Vallejo.

In the field of illustration Frazetta was a star. You can imagine that becoming so famous would be a difficult accomplishment for any artist that earns his living crafting works by commission. It is the sterling quality of his work that caused him to be in such demand for his entire career. These aren't just images dashed-off with little thought, but major works of art that just happen to frequently accompany B-rated fiction. Publishers knew that Frazetta's work could gain them sales. Readers would view the drama and thrilling adventure-fantasy inherent in his compositions and believe the same held true for the work under the book covers. Frazetta's art gave class to pulp and then took on a life of its own when the pulp became forgotten. 

Everything is beyond larger-than-life in a Frank Frazetta painting; The men are wilder, bolder, robust with vigor and muscular virility, the woman more passionately possessed and hot-blooded, the creatures more powerfully threatening. The environments depicted are as intense and dangerous as the denizens. But, above all, the art is remarkable for creating a palpable sense of other-worldly time and place. It is this hallmark that captivates his legion of admirers.

Here is a collection of his extraordinary work:

With much thanks to faithful follower, Leigh Eel, for informing me of Mr. Frazetta's demise and providing the link, above.