
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Pure Cheese Dept: Conan The Adventurer--Labyrinth

For your semi-brainless enjoyment. The series devoted to ogling well-built men the way straights ogle the Baywatch Babes.

Conan The Barbarian's screen and TV presence has never lived up to the promise of the original character created by Robert E. Howard. Sure it was always colorful pulp fiction, but the low-budget cinematic realizations have made his work look like high art. 

The success of the first Conan movies helped make Arnold Schwarzenegger a bankable star. Too bad they were so poorly done. I have heard talk of a big budget Conan coming along. I hope they can do the character justice this time.

Here Conan, now known as "The Adventurer", is played by the hulking Ralf Moeller who, in real life, is as charming and large as Schwarzenegger ever thought of being. But he won't be having the same sort of success based on this series. It's cheesy, corny, and camp, but full of eye candy. Eye candy's good. 

Again, this is featured on Hulu, you'll have to go there to see it.

I definitely like Ralf's abs better than Arnold's.

And, lastly, a computer game based on the Howard character: 
Age of Conan: The Rise of The Godslayer . (No abbreviated titles for our hero, no Sir!) 
I don't play many PC games, so I have no idea how this one rates.


  1. "Conan The Barbarian's screen and TV presence has never lived up to the promise of the original character created by Robert E. Howard. Sure it was always colorful pulp fiction, but the low-budget cinematic realizations have made his work look like high art."

    Well, considering Howard's work is collected in both the Library of America and Penguin Classics, two organisations dedicated to preserving the greatest in American and World literature respectively, I'd say Howard qualifies as "high art" as surely as other pulp writers like Conan Doyle, Kipling, Conrad et al.

  2. Wow, someone actually responding to my writing. Thanks!

    I won't argue about ranking Howard alongside Conan Doyle, but I would no sooner place him alongside Kipling and Conrad than I would place Harold Robbins and James Michener next to D. H. Lawrence, or Edgar Rice Burroughs in the same group as Henry James, Nathaniel Hawthorn and Herman Melville. Granted Doyle, Howard, and Burroughs have it all over the others in the mass-pop culture acceptance sweepstakes, but none of them would even be able to lick the literate soles of a popular talent like Charles Dickens.

    Howard was good at what he did and deserves recognition and acceptance for writing enjoyable action yarns. Still, gaining that acceptance and citations doesn't necessarily mean he can stand tall and proud in the company of the greats.

    Thank again for commenting.
