
Sunday, May 2, 2010

Superhero Sunday: Northstar

And, now, a timely tribute to that paragon of mainstream comics gay, out, and proud characters (despite the fact that he was once a terrorist), Northstar

Art by Salavador Larocca: 

Geez, in this picture he almost swishes through the sky:

I'm not saying he's a pretty boy or anything . . .
Even his costume appears to be a bit more tastefully restrained than those of the straight-arrow superheroes, what with the black and white going on. It looks like what a stylish young gay superhero would wear to a White Party.

Now, if we had superheroes in this Universe and something like the following transpired, it would be way bigger news than disclosures from Ricky Martin. Then again, diversity might be a more accepted thing in a superverse where all the real men dressed in flamboyant costumes.

Northstar made inroads into modern American pop culture few gay icons had come close to achieving. Though he had to dramatically reduce himself in the process. We have to honor his contribution and the personal sacrifice he willingly made. Vive le Northstar! 

This is the cover to one of the very few comics I own. It was given to me by my good friend, KennyB. 

I like the way it makes him look sort of like shattered pieces of ice floating in the air. Cum together right now, over me!*

Here he is in an updated and less star-clad costume. Yum! 

Run to me whenever your lonely, run to me . . .**

When all is said and done, I am happy that Marvel made even this small gesture toward the gay community. Perhaps, someday role models like Northstar will influence gay writers and artists to produce the defining gay superhero icon of the 21st century; A character who is all man and all gay, no buts about it (Butts, yes! Buts, no!) I can dream can't I?

With apologies to * John Lennon and ** The Brothers Gibb (Bee Gees).

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