
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Taur Tuesday: The Taurs of Kathleen Orta

Ms. Orta, Rynnakat Art, devotes a lot of her art to centaurs. This isn't world shaking art, but it is nice. At one time she sold prints on EBay though I haven't seen any for sale in a while.

Unfortunately, unless you purchase one of her works, all are watermarked with a huge URL bisecting each piece. Protecting your art from theft is definitely important these days. But does the protection have to obfuscate the art? Here's an example:

Nice centaur. Ugly, distracting watermark.

If you like Ms. Orta's art her prints are reasonably inexpensive and she has, to some minor degree increased the visibility of centaurs online. For that, I am grateful.

Incidentally, she also does some pictures of mermen. Such as this one:

 And here is a mangel:

Unfortunately, I find that her work often veers far too close to the precious for my taste. She has a very idealized interpretation of her subjects. Almost like they are sketches of what would appear as airbrushed posers in Cosmopolitan or Playgirl. They are inoffensive and not quite sexy enough or sensual. The art sacrifices substance for artifice, hot-to-trot for merely "pretty as a picture".

If it weren't for the fact that she does so many male centaurs--churns them out at an amazing rate--I'd have probably never noticed the work at all. I can truthfully say that I find female artists on DeviantArt who are so artistically adept that I view their galleries because I enjoy such beautifully done work. I wouldn't put Ms. Orta's stock and trade drawings in that category at all.
Still, thumbs up for her fascination with centaurs!

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