
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Manimal Superhero: Savage Dragon

Thanks to alert reader, tigeryogiji, I now know who the huge and sexy green guy is--Savage Dragon. I really don't know too much about non-mainstream comics characters other than Spawn. But I know what I like the look of.


SD is the creation of Erik Larsen.

It was a real bonus finding out this character has been around for almost 25 years, too. That means there's a back log of images and info. And there are two years of episodes of a B-grade cartoon series from the mid-90's. (Unfortunately, the quality of the video clips on You Tube leave a lot to be desired. I give credit to the guy who took the time to post all the episodes, but the fact that some of them are so jumpy it's like watching the lips of stutterer up close didn't give me the desire to continue watching the show. It was like experiencing visual hiccups.)

The character has an insanely convoluted history. But then, what comics character doesn't? The more radically shifting a character is the more he keeps fan's amusement levels up and sells issues. In other words, issues sell issues.

My agenda is always wide open as far as these guys go. The more attractive I find them, the more interest I have. But that is fairly normal with men anyway. We are more likely to establish relationships with a heavy attraction-based judgment than women are. Looks are important. 

I was born on New Year's Day, The Year of The Dragon. So, I'm probably pre-programmed to think dragons are very cool. And this humanoid dragon is H-O-T, in my estimation.

It looks like Savage Dragon dabbles in politics and is easily fooled like the rest of us. I wonder what he thinks of Obama-nation now.

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