
Friday, August 13, 2010

Manimal Superhero: Wildcat and B'wana Beast

Here are two very much also-ran characters from the DC Universe, Wildcat and B'wana Beast.

B'wana Beast has a very interesting power. He can combine two different things or beings and transform them into one powerful force that features the best characteristics of each of the original entities. In the intro to this episode from the Batman: The Brave and The Bold series he takes a horse and melds it with a spider to create a strider that can run fast, leap far, climb walls, and spread webs. Just think what he could make with a horse and a man . . .

The rest of the episode is devoted to Wildcat and his teaming up with Batman to reform a group of teenage thugs called "Outsiders". Wildcat is your more conventional super-powerless superhero. Like Batman he uses tools, agility, and strength. He is all muscle and attitude. And he looks like the physical source material for Marvel's Black Panther. 



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