
Friday, August 20, 2010

When The Excrement Collides With The Oscillating Blade

Art By G. German

I am sorry to inform you that, because of recent developments, Mythulinity will be on temporary hiatus. 

Once I get these issues straightened out, hopefully, the blog will return.

From this point forward, I will only be posting images I have consent to use and then only one image in any given post with a link to see more of the artist's work. 

If you have something here that you don't want posted here any longer, please contact me personally. I won't be honoring any second-hand requests. Why? Because how would I know that someone isn't just randomly choosing images for me to take down and basically playing games with me? So, until I receive written requests, things will just stay put.

Needless to say, the "Daily Manimal" is suspended until further notice.

I should have know the other shoe was about to drop when I got that cool review from Patrick Fillion at Boytoons Magazine.

Be seeing y'all.

Keep cool! 

Art by G. German


  1. No like. At least you'll keep the mythulinkity and sidebar stuff up? I hope this won't take long. I've been an avid fan of the many forms of Mythulinity over the years, I'd hate to see it end.
    Hoping it good smoothly...

  2. Not to worry, Leigh. The blog will stay up as will everything that has been posted in the past. If someone sees something that they want removed they can just email me and I'll take it down--if I know they are the original artist, that is. If someone has their art removed their link will go as well because I only feature links to art that appears in the blog.

    I'll be devoting more time to Superversity now. I have some great stuff to post here, but I have to get permission first. Some folks will just say "No" outright, but I have hopes that others will be more accommodating. I ain't making a living doing this blog after all.

    Thanks for supporting the blog, etc., Leigh. I appreciate it.

  3. I must admit, I was very flattered when you posted my He-Man pic in one of the entries you have removed. I liked it even as you completely disregarded any mention to me as an author, as well as all the other (and better) artists whose works you used, even though the original source lists all the necessary links and names.
    However, the way you are reacting to this issue is, from my point of view, childish and sanctimonious. Whatever "Anonymous" said to you in his e-mail you posted, was not only courteous but also justified as he pays for the stuff in his blog. Going there and copying freely the images he has paid for, and over which he often holds copyrights, as a continued practice is not a decent thing to do. All he asked for in his mail was for you to ask permission, which as far as I know is also a part of Blogger's terms of service, ergo, something you should do as a regular practice from the start.
    Instead of addressing the issue in a tempered, adult manner, you have decided to go on in a passive-aggressive tone, using eschatological refrences, apologetic behavior, and gloating at your mention at Boytoons magazine.
    Since I draw as a hobby, it does not matter's to me at all whether you name me or not, even as not doing so is rude from you. I am just not that good enough to care. However, there are many professional illustrators whom depend of word-of-mouth to promote their jobs, and whose materials were used here. This affects them both professionally and personally.
    As you are trying to make up for whatever you think or know did wrong, I can only wish you luck in re-structuring this blog, which I see is liked by many.
