
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Seasonal Stupidity: Me, I Want A Hoola Hoop!


From back in the day when people found sped up voices an amusing novelty. As inane Christmas novelty songs go this is still a classic. Right up there with Spike Jones doing "All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth". And speaking of that . . .

Then there's the added "bonus" (?!!) of "I Want Eddie Fisher For Christmas" at the end of this video. Yikes.  A more dreadful Christmas concoction I have yet to encounter. Fisher, a very popular crooner in the Fifties (he died earlier this year) was primarily noted for dumping his wife Debbie Reynolds to run off with the much plumier tidbit, Elizabeth Taylor. A real scandal at the time. I was a toddler then and fortunately spared any memory of having heard the dreadful paean to the wanton desire of Mr. Fisher's supposed charms.

I think you can see why he dumped Debbie.

Fisher and Reynolds produced Princess Leia AKA Carrie Fisher.

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