
Monday, June 28, 2010

Manly Enterprise Dept.: Handimals

First of all let me say that I have absolutely no connection (no pun intended) with AT&T in any regard: financial, business, as a client or otherwise.

That being said, my friend KennyB sent me an email with a slew of pictures from a new ad campaign for AT&T 's international wireless services. The novelty of this campaign is the use of painted hands by the artist Guido Daniele. Some of his work for AT&T has been making the rounds of email boxes for the last couple of years. Whoever handles the adverting account of AT&T must have recognized how people are instantly charmed by this art and convinced the artist to undertake a large project of hand art for AT&T's roaming abilities. That campaign was a wild success and now Mr. Daniele has produced new works for each of the 220 countries that has AT&T wireless services. It was an inspired choice of the right art at the right time.

I commend the people responsible for this ad campaign for having the good taste and sense to use Mr. Daniele's art in a respectful and low key manner. The work is immediately eye catching without being hyperbolic and assaultive like so much of adverting these days.

Generally, I wouldn't think of featuring anything that is done for the sake of a large multi-national corporation on a blog. But, in this case, I am making an exception because I am both amused and impressed by the artist and his art, if not the commercial applications.


A few more images of Guido Daniele's art for this project are posted at Superversity.

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