Welcome To The Best Man/Beast Mixes On This Plane!

Coming in 2019: The Return of Mythulinity!

Now that Tumblr has determined the real world of varied sexuality no longer exists, I've decided to head out in a different direction and prove them wrong. It was fun while it lasted and all things must pass. I am now passing on Tumblr and reigniting the flame that once burned bright here at Blogger. Join me!

Here's the goal for our greater good: To share the best material from multiple online sources plus super manimal/mythical and real male images.

WARNING: This blog is devoted to gay adult themes. If you are under the age of consent (18) or are an uptight prude please leave this zone immediately!

Artists and Commission Owners:
If you find your work or property here and do not approve of it being posted on this blog, please contact me at greggerman52@gmail.com I will take it down ASAP.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Manly Enterprise Dept.: Pondering Past Political Puffery

“Centaurs are majestic, even sacred creatures,” said Firenze, “and we are not to be trifled with.  Furthermore, none understand the portents of things to come so well as we, and we know that your ‘2006’ is going to be a most interesting year for this ‘President.’ These are not threats, but prophecy.  And if you want to see what happens to humans who go around calling us ‘hybrids,’ just look at what we did to that hateful Dolores Umbridge.”

Read all about why this response came to be at American Airspace.

And more regarding the same issue at Pharyngula.


  1. BTW - The photo used in the post is the cover of Roger Daltry's "Ride A Rock Horse," which is the only Roger Daltry album I ever purchased, and that was just because I wanted the photo.


    ***** Paul *****

  2. Hi Paul,

    Good to see you here. When I posted this piece at the Centaurica blog (http//:centaurica.wordpress.com/) I made its title appear when the cursor passed over the picture. Unfortunately, you can't do that here.

    This was one of the first centaur images I ever had a copy of, not because I bought the album like you did, but because I bought a copy of Billboard magazine that featured an insert print of the album cover as an advertisement for the album's release. It was just providential happenstance that the issue I bought had this great cover art inside it. I still have that print and it hangs on my wall.

    Thanks for commenting on the images info. Now everyone knows it's origin, too.
