Welcome To The Best Man/Beast Mixes On This Plane!

Coming in 2019: The Return of Mythulinity!

Now that Tumblr has determined the real world of varied sexuality no longer exists, I've decided to head out in a different direction and prove them wrong. It was fun while it lasted and all things must pass. I am now passing on Tumblr and reigniting the flame that once burned bright here at Blogger. Join me!

Here's the goal for our greater good: To share the best material from multiple online sources plus super manimal/mythical and real male images.

WARNING: This blog is devoted to gay adult themes. If you are under the age of consent (18) or are an uptight prude please leave this zone immediately!

Artists and Commission Owners:
If you find your work or property here and do not approve of it being posted on this blog, please contact me at greggerman52@gmail.com I will take it down ASAP.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Class Comics: Brother to Dragons

I was given the first installment---the only damned installment!--of this supposed series a couple of years back by a dear friend. I was pleased with the graphics and particularly the story line that was set in a magical middle ages. The comic featured a series of hot guys of various sizes and ages who didn't look like clones of each other, which I find to be a problem with some artists doing graphic porn comics. I was definitely looking forward to further issues based on the promise of the first one. Especially because of the dragon connection that would be developing. I do love dragons. (But the closest this is coming to dragons is the fact it just keeps dragging on and on.)

Well, that was then and this is now and still no part two. What is up guys? It can't take that long to finish a second part can it? Not unless the author and illustrator are insane perfectionists. Or receiving such poor remuneration they can't do the job.

I think it would be good public relations for Class Comics to just announce there will not be a continuance of the series and put the few of us who know of it out of our misery. "Sorry, guys, it just didn't sell enough copies. Too expensive to produce. Had to pull the plug. You get the picture." Movies take years to create, not comics. At this point if part two showed up I would buy it, but I would always be wary of the chance of any subsequent issues.
Screwing the audience is just no way to insure product demand.

Brother to Dragons

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