Welcome To The Best Man/Beast Mixes On This Plane!

Coming in 2019: The Return of Mythulinity!

Now that Tumblr has determined the real world of varied sexuality no longer exists, I've decided to head out in a different direction and prove them wrong. It was fun while it lasted and all things must pass. I am now passing on Tumblr and reigniting the flame that once burned bright here at Blogger. Join me!

Here's the goal for our greater good: To share the best material from multiple online sources plus super manimal/mythical and real male images.

WARNING: This blog is devoted to gay adult themes. If you are under the age of consent (18) or are an uptight prude please leave this zone immediately!

Artists and Commission Owners:
If you find your work or property here and do not approve of it being posted on this blog, please contact me at greggerman52@gmail.com I will take it down ASAP.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Faun and Fae Friday: Mixed F and F

Art by Jordan:

Art by Austrian artist, Janna Prosvirina:

Four works by Canadian artist, Mr. Myroski:

1 comment:

  1. These were great pics - fascinating! There was a painter named Franz von Stuck (1863-1928) who did many paintings featuring men as fauns-ps sorry if you already know about him! I knew nothing of him until I was in the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam in 1995-and a book of his was in the gift store -I liked his work so much I bought the book -and almost forgot any Van Gogh stuff - haha I woulda shot myself- no pun intended! all the best to you!!
